Kia Ora Koutou, I hope you have had a relaxful weekend, enjoying the beautiful Gizzy weather.
Firstly Congratulations to Judaea Keelan-Phillips & Mokai Karauria-Wallace who were our classroom certificate recipients at friday assembly. It has been very pleasing to see both these students starting to grow in their confidence and being able to contribute to group and classroom discussions. They are working well on their Mathletics and are continuing to strive for their next bronze certificate.
Well done to Junior, Carlos & Hayley who made the year 7 Ultimate Frisbee team to play in the BOP/PB tournament which will be hosted by GISINT in a couple of weeks time. It's so awesome to see students taking up new challenges and making the most of their time here at GISINT.
Also well done to Hayley & Paige who made the Girls Basketball Team. They have two tournaments next term to look forward to and have already began trainings which start at 7.30am in the morning!
Our Hauora sessions have moved to inside hall due the cooler weather & the kids have really been enjoying the sessions.
Check out our syndicate in ACTION.
This week our syndicate started a new tech cycle and the feedback from students have been very positive. There are many student's who have set themselves the goal of making it into Tech Extension With this in mind it is important for each student to maintain their high standards, give everything 100% and most importantly continue to practice our school R.I.S.E values as tech teachers are always looking of their next lot of students for extension.
On Tuesday our boys had their first mau rakau wananga with the matua's and the girls learnt about poi making and choreography with the koka's. Our next session is on Tuesday so each boy will need their own rakau.
Girl's learning how to do a four plait with Koka Tarn |
Shakyra, Aria, Sophie & Alishia learning how to make the pompom |
Room 24
Mathletics Leaders are
Tobias Horsfield - 34,233 points
Caleb Ruru - 21,234 points
Judaea Keelan - Phillips - 14,210
Alishia Williams - 10, 630
Rawhiti Kaiwai - 9,410
Majority of students are doing their mathletics before school and during morning tea & lunchtime. I have seen a huge improvement in basic facts knowledge but most of all enthusiasm toward maths. Please encourage your child to complete mathletics at home (if you have the internet), have a go yourself and try a task
The Week Ahead
Tuesday - Poi & Mau Raukau sessions continue.
Wednesday - Performance from TKKM O Nga Uri a Maui in celebrating Matariki
Boostrix Injections
Thursday - Hauora
Friday - Kapa Haka
Focus Friday - Ultimate with Mr Barclay
Have a great week everyone
Love your blog Koka Tracey and ruma rua tekau ma Wha! So many neat photo's and information regarding the awesome learning going on in your classroom and celebrating all of the amazing children in room 24 too. So great to be able to follow along with you - Here's to another awesome week! Nga mihi - Koka Ana